The first step towards a dental implant (the surgical stage) is the consultation, involving a panoramic x-ray and a treatment plan. The x-ray helps us see the bone substrate required for the implants insertion and their placement plan. For the implant to be inserted, a sufficient amount of quantitative and qualitative bone is necessary. If these requirements are not met, there are various bone augmentation (addition) procedures.
Once the treatment plan is set, the insertion of implants is performed. This is a painless method, performed under local anaesthesia, which can take from 30 minutes to hours, depending on the complexity of the case. The intervention consists of an incision in the gum, followed by its lift and direct exposure of the bone. Then, there is the bone trepanation with a series of drills specially calibrated depending on the length and diameter of the implant, then the insertion of the implant itself, yielding the so-called ” initial stability”.
After inserting the implant, the lifted gum will be sutured to the starting position and the oral cavity will be trimmed. After this phase, the patient can go home following the instructions after surgery and the prescribed therapy and he will return after 7 days for control and removal of suture.
The second step, the prosthetic stage, is performed after 4-6 months after the secondary stability is achieved, that is the osseointegration of the implant into the bone. A small incision is made at the right of the implant, under local anaesthesia and the aim is its exposure. A gingival former is attached to the implant allowing the aesthetic healing of the gum. After a few days a blunt transfer is mounted to take the impression, which is sent to a dental laboratory where the work is done and individualized. Once completed, the work is fixed by cementing or screwing.